Intersemiotic Translation of Novels into Films: A Descriptive-Analytical Study[پايان نامه لاتين]

Saeede Nabavi

Record Identifier: 20961
Title: Intersemiotic Translation of Novels into Films: A Descriptive-Analytical Study
Personal Name: Saeede Nabavi
Supervisor: Dr. Mir Saeed Mousavi Razavi
Univercity: Khatam
Degree: Master
Studied Year: 2019

Intersemiotic translation is widely practiced worldwide, serving as an invaluable element in global communication across different linguistic and cultural domains. One of the most widespread types of these translations is the translation of novels into movies. In this type of translation, the translator renders the intended messages through a different medium. To this end, the translator is required to make changes to the original text. This study aimed at examining the different layers of the narrative discourse of the original text and their corresponding intersemiotic translations in order to identify the changes a text undergoes in the course of translation and the implication of these changes on the respective translations. In light of that, two selected novels underwent a thorough investigation, while their corresponding film adaptations were closely observed to explore the alterations between the original texts and their translated cinematic versions. A combination of Sojoodi's stratificational semiotics and Genette's narrative discourse theory was employed to conduct this research. The findings indicated the translators utilized several different narrative strategies and made significant changes in all aspects of narrative discourse on account of the differences in the medium, personal preferences, and market preferences. Hence, the results also demonstrate the active role of the directors in making alterations or remaining faithful to the original text.

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